Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New this season! "Survivor: Norwich"

As discomfiting as one of the letters in today's Norwich Bulletin is, yet another ad hominem attack on the former City Manager (turned candidate for City Council), I think a positive may be that more than a few are upset waves have been made and boats have been rocked, all of which could change the configuration of our pond. I'm unclear as to why this change would be so frightening (then again, I know how to swim).

Relentless optimist that I am, I hope this Norwich City Council election is about expanding the opportunities for all to participate in municipal decision-making as valuable and valued members of the community. Six days until the election and well-meaning people (who should know better) insist on defining a small town council election as 'us vs them'; as if Marc Bunnell were producing "Survivor: Norwich". I'm not convinced being voted off 'the island' is such a bad thing, but then as I'm often told, I'm "not from here". But, I am here, now.

Norwich voters should make this election about who we are and who we are to become. This election will help define what our city is and what we wish it to be.
For city council candidates (and all of us), win or lose, the sun will come up next Wednesday-but it will shine brighter if we all do what we know we must when we vote Tuesday.
-bill kenny

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