Thursday, December 17, 2009

The World's Oldest Profession as an Equal Opportunity Employer

If the AP reports are to be believed, things are about to get a whole lot more interesting at the Shady Lady Ranch in Nevada who've just received state approval to hire male prostitutes. It's this kind of fearless forward-thinking that, according to their website, has helped them be 'voted best small brothel for seven consecutive years'.

As daunting as the 'occupation' blank on a hotel registration form must be for one of the ranch hands (unsure if the pun is intended), I'm trying to imagine what the evaluators who bestow such awards put in that same blank. I was as impressed by the historical overview and social commentary offered as I was to learn that the ranch accepts all major credit cards without a surcharge. Talk about change we can believe in.

If this stuff hasn't been on all the late night shows and the Comedy Channel pseudo-news programs, it will be, I'm sure, as it's a humor writer's dream come true. I'm as sophomoric as the next person, and because I'm SO competitive, actually much more so, but I'm not sure we are headed in the right direction when we start to regard this type of situation as an expansion and extension of equal rights.

Shady Lady can, I suppose, make itself as famous as the former Mustang Ranch in Sparks, Nevada (which has a handicap accessible room that, sadly, we just don't get to see enough of in the all-too-brief video clip), though the news accounts report the pricing structure for a dalliance with the men hasn't yet been determined. I've heard at one time they were Selling England by the Pound, perhaps she might be wise to consider another unit of measurement.
-bill kenny

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