Thursday, November 7, 2024

On the Other Hand....

I remember during 9/11 finding a television in a lounge tuned to one of the news channels and watching, but not believing what was happening. I most especially can remember that numb feeling when the plane smashed into the second tower. I'm feeling it again.

Someone, somewhere, someday will rationalize what happened Tuesday in these United States. It will make a terrific read. I hope I'm alive to appreciate it.

But as my evil twin, Skippy, pointed out to me, Tuesday's election means I have it made. I'm a white, heterosexual male and for me, this could really be the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Me and J. D. Vance are the future (though sadly I'm elderly).

So 1984 was delayed by forty years. So what?

I kid you not. We are in the catbird seat at no time since probably the 1950's. 

Sorry, women. Especially women of color. And speaking of color, sorry men who aren't white. And sorry trans, non-binary, and queer. As a matter of fact, sorry to everyone who isn't me; a white, heterosexual male. 

What's that in the Beatitudes? "The meek shall inherit the earth." 
Yeah, right after me and the greedies are done with it. 
-bill kenny

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