Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Disclaimer as a Title?

I know this will be one of those 'the more I explain the loster we all get' moments and I'm sorry. That I wouldn't have anything else to say if I weren't talking about this might suggest my empty life is more so than your empty life, except you're reading this and I'm not reading you (so maybe I win, anyway).

I was noodling around on line yesterday afternoon and stopped in at the home page of one of those "ISP/Aggregators" (I cannot make this stuff up)-that is, someone who is considered to be an Internet service and who also provides and accesses content, self-created and others. In this case, it was (whatever happened to their wonderful TV commercials with the yodeling at the end of 'em?) and they had a featurette entitled "Four Things Guys Notice." I had a funny feeling I might know where this was going.

I'm old, but I'm not dead so I figured I could guess two of the "four things guys notice", and I did, except the article only considered them to be one thing (as in a pair of pants, I guess). And I appreciated the helpfulness of the links to getting a new hairstyle. To digress for but a moment and without meaning to whine about or reproach anybody, in this article of the Four Things Guys Notice, #1 is 'smile' and #2 is 'hair', in that order. Oh? That's the article's numeric ranking and they're sticking with it.

However, what caused me to mentally stutter step was the reference to Cleavage Wars. Of course I clicked on the link, I'm not made of stone; nor are you I suspect. Now, hand on heart: are ANY of us surprised at where this came from? How'd ya vote? Oh, you didn't vote and you'd like the rest of us to believe that? By the way, every time you go to the site there's two more choices. Yeah, pretend you didn't know that either-very suave. How would I know that you ask? Let's just say that's why my life isn't as empty as yours and move on, okay? While I'm growing odd, you're getting even and I suspect NONE of that ends up in the top Two Hundred Things Anyone Notices.
-bill kenny

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