Sunday, November 29, 2009

What if They Just said 'Sari'?

It was Andy Warhol who first postulated that in the future everyone would be famous for fifteen minutes and it's Michaela and Tareq Salahi who are putting the sweep in that sweep second hand on the wrist watch.

They are the Virginia pair who popped up, literally and figuratively, at a White House dinner in honor of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh this past Tuesday evening though, it seems, they had no reason and no invitation to be there. Every story I've found on-line about these two goes no more than four lines before mentioning they are auditioning for a role in a new Bravo TV series, The Real Housewives of D. C. because if there's one thing no one has ever accused Bravo TV of, it's originality.

When I first heard mention of these two, I thought, perhaps, in keeping with what I think of as 'Who's Called Shotgun in AC's Bronco?' that they were the logical followup to the cretinous couple who claimed their six-year old, Falcon (why didn't they have other children named for Ford products, like Fairlane and Galaxie?) was in a runaway hot air balloon. Both of these folks could have fit in one of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons-how perfect would that have been, especially if Macy's can be persuaded to sign on as a sponsor for Bravo's TV show?

Put that on Facebook and watch your friends twitter with envy, eh? Actually, the part I love about this whole story, and it's become the sidebar, is the safety of the Chief Executive of the United States of America, his invited guest of honor, and the processes supposedly in place to assure the safety and well-being of everyone, okay not the Salahi's. For the Secret Service whose job it is to guard and safe-guard the President, every day is binary: one or zero. Protection is perfect, or it fails. There's no middle ground, no gray area, no 'kinda/sorta/nearly' place to equivocate. And by that standard, Tuesday night was a failure.

Not for the Salahi's, mind you. At least not yet. And I'm not sure they're doing themselves any favors with that picture on her facebook page with Vice President Biden but experience is what you get when you didn't get what you want. Though, as Keef and Mick have made abundantly clear for the last three decades (and more), 'if you try sometimes-you get what you need.'
-bill kenny

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