Saturday, December 6, 2008

Get Over It

Have you given any thought to preparing an invoice for the rest of us? I ask because of the drumbeat of stories I've read in the newspapers and catch on the TV about people, just like us (well, not really, they have press agents, a very low threshold of self-esteem and NO shame), who are the victims of a giant conspiracy of an uncaring universe that has so scarred them for life (psychic scars on your soul never heal for settlements of less than seven figures) they will never recover. Sadly, for the rest of us, they will also never go away.

The folks who find odd items in fast food menu purchases, Ka-Ching! The grade school child who was tagged too hard and whose father wants dollars instead of the healing touch, Ka-Ching! I've been mulling over the knee surgery I had three years ago--thought it was an excellent job, but you know what? I still haven't been on Dancing With the Stars, and I think maybe somebody, some place, owes me some green. What say you?

With all these bailouts going on, how about us kids in the weeds? Corporate relo refugees that need love, too. Yeah, that's what we should be talking about. We need a lot LESS 'E Pluribus Unum' and lot MORE 'What's In It For Me?' We have moms creating fake screen identities to payback, in extremis, teenage girls whom they suspect said mean things about their teenage daughters and it results in a child taking her own life.

A generation ago, this would have never been possible. Our parents had their own lives, and we, ours. If we were lucky, maybe our Moms knew the names of some of the kids who hung out with us (our dads never did-they always called 'Neil', 'Bob' and when you told them later they always went 'oh?'). Now the parents are part of the posse, and maybe part of the problem. Don't worry, we have someone on the staff to take care of that for you, for a small consideration, of course.

Nothing is anyone's fault. I LOVE when some elected/anointed and appointed personality is forced to admit wrongdoing and 'confesses'. Actually, they confirm what's already known, which isn't confession. Monsignor Harding explained exactly what confession was and what it meant to me over fifty years ago. I suppose today I should issue a press release and seek representation.

After the public confession (not yet, wait until the CNN crew gets here), there's always a statement to the effect that "I take full responsibility"--what does that actually mean? Anything we want, as it turns out. Complain about the present and blame it on the past. I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little a--.
-bill kenny


Mark B. said...

Tuesday's Public Works and Wednesday's Public Safety meetings have been canceled.

William Kenny said...

Thanks! I'll assume it's because of the holiday crush and not because anyone is just giving up;-)

Decisions and Revisions

Are you familiar with  James Clear ?  You really need to check him out. He's not only thoughtful and thought-provoking, but he'll op...