Monday, December 22, 2008

A Raspberry Beret Can Help Prevent a Head Cold

Since there's not a lot of Norwich meetings this week to speak of (the last two weeks of the year are always the slowest in the entire calendar since none of us really want to start anything new and just want the old stuff to wind down) I thought I'd devote a moment to a great lyric from Prince who was so much a part of the Eigthties and has been so quiet ever since returning from that unpronounceable symbol while warring with his record company. Pyrrhic victories are victories I guess. I should know as I seem to collect them.

Quick catchup from last week. I waited in vain for the informational session on the Norwich Semiseptcentennial advertised for before Monday's City Council meeting. The Council meeting itself was a bit different from its agenda as the aldermen decided to accept a report (two weeks late, though it seems to have been submitted on time) by the five local attorneys the Mayor solicited to review the charter language whose recommendations seemed to be more oriented towards managing the white space than wholesale revision (despite the fact that in the last month, Norwich again, faced an alderman leaving the Council because of election to a state representative position. By Norwich charter, you can't do both, though you can work for someone in the state legislature, and other municipalities do allow for dual service).

I'm not sure if we are thinking this puts the issue of Charter Revision to rest, or hoping it does. I'm notclear why there's isn't a permanent committee that gathers up suggestions on an ongoing basis and once a year reports on them to the Council who opts, or doesn't, to put them on a ballot for the citizens to vote at the next election (pony rides for Kenny's birthday? again?). All I know is that the budget for this coming year will be a challenge for everyone and I'm not sure decision delay on something as essential as the operator's manual for the city, our charter, was a good decision.

Between last minute shopping excursions between snow flakes, you'll have two opportunities to discuss the recent property reevaluations and if you have any questions, now's the time to voice them. You can meet with the appraisers this morning at 8:30 in Room 335 of City Hall as well as tomorrow morning at 10 AM. Don't NOT use this as your opportunity, if you're so inclined.

As for the rest of the calendar, it's quiet with little stirring (not even a mouse) with the Redevelopment Agency meeting this afternoon at 5in room 219 of City Hall and the Building Code of Appeals meets on Tuesday at 4 PM at 23 Union Street, next door to City Hall.

I realize, technically, winter only started yesterday so forgive me for being a cur when I point out, that I'm done with it already. I've already had all the snow and sleet and cold weather and head colds and coughs I want or need. My daughter came home from college with a cold and between hers and the one I have we've managed to infect my wife. Now all we want for Christmas is a box of tissues with lotion. Hope the tidings are of greater joy for you and yours.
-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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