Friday, January 1, 2010

Shore Seems Like a Fine Way to Start a New Year

You might want to read this today in a small, quiet voice if you were out celebrating last night. No need to get excited but sometimes laughter isn't the best medicine-it just aggravates conditions brought on by activities involving the hair of the dog (do not contact the ASPCA, or the AKC).

I stumbled across this and it made me smile, and I hope it does for you as well. If the next 365 days are anything like the last batch, smiles may prove to be a rationed item and starting the year off with one may be as good as it gets for awhile. That it's part of a video volley from another high school video production class makes me smile all the more.

Some part of me is hoping instead of the hair-pulling and name calling going on atop Capitol Hill on a daily (hourly?) basis, maybe the bombastic bozos in both parties can scrape together a couple of bucks and hire some of these video visionaries to put together YouTube salvos supporting their respective positions on everything from national defense appropriations to universal access to health care (seems to sum it up pretty well and is a heckuva lot shorter than most of the proposals I've read) and stop the pouting and posturing that has so many of us lost in the shuffle. I'm afraid it's gonna be a long year with lots of smoke and heat and not a whole lot of light.
-bill kenny

1 comment:

William Kenny said...

蜂蜜は、壊れ目、okayを与えるか。And we don't take credit cards.

Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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