Sunday, April 6, 2014

Getting Antsy

Winter bothers me really for only one reason, the shortened days. I'm pretty sure if we didn't do all that fall back and spring forward stuff and just left the clocks alone, I'd be less SAD (seasonal affected disorder) though just as pathetic.

Back in January when it's dark shortly after four in the afternoon are the worst of the winter days. I get up around oh-bright-early so most days of the week I get to see the dawn break, and even help repair it but there's not much I can do about the coming of night in the late afternoon.

It's still early Spring, so much so that in April in New England, it can look like a great day outside until you get there and realize that brisk breeze is actually a lot more chill and shrill than you realized through your double-pane glass in the living room watching the day go by

Yesterday was like that with mostly overcast skies that made the day feel darker than than it really was but also with enough of a breeze to make you happy you had a jacket on and not too warm that you were tempted to not fasten it.

It's changeable enough, the weather I mean, right now, that my monster walks of two to four hours are still a ways off, especially since getting caught in the cold spring rain far from home can cool far more than my ardor for the great outdoors.

I went for a short walk, because I try to do that every day (anyway) carrying with me the third and final Android phone I used to use for everything but that broke my heart once too often because of its flakiness so I went to Yapple which works well but whose camera in their phones is just awful

I think my walks would be more walks and I'd cover more distance if I didn't take the cellphone/camera with me and grab happy snaps but I do and I will at least until I drop it and break it or lose it. And that hasn't happened, at least yet. I think of this as a tune-up.

-bill kenny

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