Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Something Else Will Touch the Sand of a Foreign Land

Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was in USAF basic training we did physical training, PT ('so good, whiskey no good') in our combat boots or in the worst shoes ever made, chukka boots, to include the always-popular mile and a half run.

You can probably sense the warmth of the nostalgia with which I offer that recollection. Those crazy, hazy days of youth.

I didn't realize the military services, with the exception of the USMC who don't really care what your physical training footwear is, actually give recruits a cash-money-in-their-hand-allowance to buy sneakers (I realize the cool kids lunch table calls them 'sports shoes;' I don't care. They are sneakers) and the big news (I'm talking Big Bucks news) is that we may be guiding the young men and women who volunteer to defend us and the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic to buy American which is good news for the makers of the only sneakers I ever wear anymore.

No word on the socks or laces, or even if either (or both) are/will be optional and I, for one, wouldn't be surprised if, in pursuit of a multi-million dollar market, a few other folks jump into the game. Though in light of the logo on one of the brands, perhaps leap is a better term.

And I'm not talking 'bout no beat-up Ballys.
 -bill kenny

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