Friday, April 4, 2014

Hide those Packets of Tartar Sauce

When I saw a particular news item earlier in the week and laughed, I realized as I did if there were any doubt, post-Earth life, as to my disposition it was now overtaken by events.

Be warned from one traveler to another: if you laugh or even wanly smile at any of what follows, but most especially the link at the start of the next paragraph, we are in the same hand basket and it'll be a lot warmer when we get out than when we stepped in.

Here's what I'm talking about. I'll pause for effect and let you look around furtively to see who was watching you as you read that. Yep, so much for the no-smoking section of the Afterlife, rosebud. Is this perhaps karma and a simple twist of fate?

Makes me wonder who thought 'let's always eat fish on Friday during Lent' was a good idea, aside from the Gordon Fisherman and Mrs. Paul, whom, I have been told, are now living together (they broke up for awhile because he supposedly gave her crabs. Or lobster, I forget which). You don't suppose anyone told the fish, do you?

-bill kenny

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