Friday, May 14, 2021

Where's Weird Al?

I cannot carry a tune in a bucket and lack the ability and the discipline to ever have learned to play a musical instrument of any kind. I'm really good at turning up the volume on the radio in the car and singing at the top of my lungs, undeterred even when the singers get the words to their own songs wrong. 

I admire people who do play an instrument, though snob that I am, I tend to hold in somewhat lesser regard those whose instrument is the accordion. 

Thanks, Wolfgang Kreh!

It's very unfair of me (and Tom Waits as well, so I'm in good company) to be so persnickety about an instrument as complex and complicated as the accordion. After all, it produces music and as is well-known, music soothes the savage beast. And sometimes the not so savage.
-bill kenny

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