Thursday, November 16, 2023

Not a Shiny Object

You might think we are a long time out from the 2024 presidential election but it will happen in less than a year, ready and willing or not. 

And, quite frankly, I'm not sure enough of us are ready much less willing to make sure that whatever ideology we pretend Donald Trump espouses is defeated. To be clear-he has no ideology. He's a greedy, grasping, pile of human excrement wrapped in a very thin orange skin, filled with vulgarity and vile narcissism. 

Remember as kids learning in school 'anyone in America can grow up to be the president (except women and black people (that part wasn't said out loud)) ' Well, the joke was on us. In 2016 the Orange Asshat was elected president and wasn't that a lot of fun for everyone.  

Too often we regard elections as popularity contests or even worse as some kind of horse race. Admittedly Trump is a horse's ass but that's not the frame of mind to have in looking at 2024 and our nation. 

NYU's Jay Rosen totally nails it. Pay Attenion.
-bill kenny

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