Monday, November 27, 2023

Singer (but not a Songwriter)

I have a confession: I have close to ZERO mechanical aptitude or understanding. I tend, as an example, to stand in front of store doors for half a second in the hopes someone is coming out so I know which way the door opens because I can not necessarily tell. 

I am in awe of how light switches work and never take them for granted and what about pedestrian nearly-forgotten items like the humble Thermos bottle? It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold-how does it tell the difference? It is a mystery to me.  

My wife possesses more skills in her little finger than I have in my entire body. She is a wonderful chef, an expert handyperson (see my above observation on mechanical aptitude), and a wizard seamstress. I mention that last attribute because I have a newfound appreciation for her sewing machine.

Not that I'm about to break out in song or anything, just sayin'.
-bill kenny


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