Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Light Up More than City Hall

I think it's safe to say we may not agree on any aspect of government here in  Norwich, Connecticut, and that's our good right, but I'm sure we can agree that our City Hall is a gem, and when it's dressed up for the winter holidays, surrounded by throngs of happy faces and singers of seasonal songs, it's absolute magic. 

That's what we should have this Friday. If you’ve stopped by City Hall after dark during holiday seasons past, you know there are no words to capture how lovely it looks this time of year. So get ready to enjoy. 

The great thing about our holiday celebrations is they are very much community events in every sense of the word. People just like the ones who live on your street or on my block band together months and more in advance to work on the hundreds and thousands of individual threads that, when woven together, create the colorful and memorable tapestries we'll tell our children and grandchildren about.

Photo from 2020 Light Up City Hall

Memories are moments such as these and we are fortunate to have so many selfless and kindhearted friends and neighbors willing to share of themselves for all of us to enjoy. 

There's so much holiday happiness right now that I feel kinda-Grinchy pointing out both happiness and hunger start with "h" and one in eight people living in our state struggle with hunger every day. Here in Norwich, a little more than 13% of us live at or below the poverty level, which means that those of us who aren't, probably have family or friends who are.

And for those struggling and often failing to get, by hunger doesn't take a holiday, but we can each help those whom it affects. There are agencies and outreaches we all know who will welcome any donation of time, talent, or treasure we make. 

You could visit and not only make a difference but be the difference between another December and a real holiday season for someone in need.
-bill kenny

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