Saturday, December 14, 2024

What Comes Before 15?

I first offered this some years back trying to make sense of something I should have realized would never make sense. All this time on, it still doesn't.

No other animal works harder to rationalize our sometimes unthinking behavior than we do. No other animal can even see the absurdity and contradiction of how we so often live our lives. 

Because the carnage on this date in 2012 at Newtown, Connecticut, happened in the state where I live I'm haunted by a feeling similar to the aftermath of 9-11-01.

I suspect you've done what I've been doing, hoping at some point a penny will drop, a light will go on and someone, somewhere, will say or write something that causes us to have an 'aha!' moment and understand the inexplicable.

Instead, we struggle to accept that there will NEVER be a nice, neat, explanation for what happened to say nothing of why. Instead, there are so many moms and dads and friends and relatives of the deceased (an abstraction of the first order) whose hearts will never heal.

Those murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, were not 'victims,' they were people, mostly very tiny and very young people. 

The Innocents included:

Charlotte Bacon, 6; Daniel Barden, 7; Rachel Davino, 29; Olivia Engel, 6; Josephine Gay, 7; Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6; Dylan Hockley, 6; Dawn Hochsprung, 47; Madeleine F. Hsu, 6; Catherine V. Hubbard, 6; Chase Kowalski, 7; Jesse Lewis, 6; James Mattioli, 6; Grace McDonnell, 7; Anne Marie Murphy, 52; Emilie Parker, 6; Jack Pinto, 6; Noah Pozner, 6; Caroline Previdi, 6; Jessica Rekos, 6; Avielle Richman, 6; Lauren Rousseau, 30; Mary Sherlach, 56; Victoria Soto, 27; Benjamin Wheeler, 6 and Allison N. Wyatt, 6.

"This is a prayer for the souls of the departed" and we should all know it by heart.
-bill kenny

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Ones and Zeros

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