Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rethinking 'Deus Ex Machina'

Since I don't suffer from an irony deficiency, I find it nearly humorous when interacting with devices connected to the internet to have to prove to their satisfaction that I, Mr. Flesh-and-Blood Stumblebunny, am really not a machine, to what is really very much a machine.

I'm not sure if I'm auditioning for something or jockeying for a pole position as the machines create a Colosseum for their own amusement (I'd like to be Team Bread, preferably rye with seeds if that's possible). 

I may be the only one disquieted by this type of stuff-no one else I've encountered in the humansphere has voiced any misgivings so, lemming that I am, perhaps I should shut my yap and hold on tighter to my flotation ring as I edge inexorably towards the cliff.     

But, remember you read it here, well, not exactly first that's for sure....all of this now also involves God which makes a great deal of sense to me as a Fallen Away Roman Catholic. The Lord and I have a strained relationship though not necessarily the one Voltaire seems to have had. 

Sacré bleu! If there is a God, that might explain all the 'Il fait vraiment chaud ici !' that François-Marie Arouet is shouting, especially as The Lord is moving in slightly less mysterious ways beyond His current Invisible Friend status according to this Associated Press report is to be believed.

No matter your language or profession of faith (or lack thereof), kneel to confess and then rise cleansed and sanctified. It might remind you of a modern-day literature classic though we've made learning to read optional. Based on recent events, we've already done that with thinking.
-bill kenny

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