Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Best to You Each Morning

I start my day with a cuppa coffee. I have one every morning. I am not alone in having coffee, though I will acknowledge that it's not very crowded at my kitchen table, where I choose to drink my cuppa while reading my local newspaper.  

When you pull the thread on that link I shared, you come across some mind-boggling numbers: Americans drink 146 BILLION cups of coffee annually, or about 400 million cups every day with each of us averaging three cups daily. 

Folks who live in Michigan, statistically speaking, drink the most coffee per capita while residents of Utah drink the least. 

For most of us, coffee is like breathing out and breathing in, it's what we do/who we are and we give its consumption little to no thought. But drinking coffee is something that we bipeds have been doing for quite some time, but not nearly as long as many of us thought.

As much as I appreciate the history behind the brewed bean (technically a fruit) I still struggle with the mystery of why coffee never seems to taste as marvelous as its aroma. Think of it as the pursuit of my Caffeinated Holy Grail
-bill kenny

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