I came of age before the Internet.
"Ask your mother," was our generation's "Google it." And if Mom (or Dad) didn't know what you were asking about, it was probably NOT worth knowing.
Now, with all the information in the history of mankind just a keystroke away, I'm at a loss as to why there's so much UnKnowledge in the world. UnKnowledge is when you believe something to be true no matter how much factual data to the contrary is presented.
And, yes, the Trump White House would, in my opinion, be Ground Zero for UnKnowledge; from low-flow toilets killing whales who got cancer from windmills while tracking the fifty million one hundred million condoms the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided to Hamas. And don't come at me with how those undocumented immigrants are driving up the price of eggs.
Turns out, not even the Gulf of Mexico is safe from UnKnowledge and don't get me started on those hosers from the 51st state, Canada. But even though so much of what is online is wrong, we'll never stop looking stuff up there now.
Sure, we could go to the library and actually research a topic, but in an era (or is it error?) where ignorance is just as good (if not better) than knowledge, why bother? Be like Elmo Muskrat who makes up his own facts, and why not? Who better to support his positions than facts he created himself? I look at that and go 'Why didn't I think of that?'
It's like Firesign Theatre's "Everything You Know Is Wrong" is actually "America For Dummies." Just watch an hour of anybody's TV news (okay, maybe not One America Network; they're full-on crazy), but anybody else's and you'll feel you're on a Gray Line tour of Hitler's Bunker during the Fall of Berlin while on acid.
And we're only a month into this version of "Make America Great Again. Again." There's forty-seven (or more if the rumors are true, and why woudn't they be?) more months of this to go. Life in these United States right now is, I suspect, akin to be waterboarded, but with UnKnowledge.
All this time I thought Knowledge is Power. And now there's an energy shortage.
-bill kenny
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