Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Picture Postcard from the Dead Letter Office

I'm a little short on tea and sympathy right now for almost everyone I see on TV from "my government." There's just so much 'Love me! Love my dog!' I can tolerate--only a limited amount of posturing and pouting before puking I can do and I see the city limits sign up ahead, so I hope those are knockabout clothes because they're about to get christened.

I like to think because my heart beats on the left side of my chest, that's where most of my politics is. As for red or blue, I like a lot of different parts of the rainbow, think of me as Skippy Skittles but yesterday I received a 'we're gonna have to go the mattresses' letter from a new FB Friend, Cole Lystra from Progressivesunited.org with a petition for Pelosi and Reid (NOT to be confused with Seals and Crofts) as they gird their loins or pork their bellies (I'm easily confused), after twenty-five thousand progressives signed on demanding a say in the Super Committee that Will Fix Everything which was part of the debt ceiling agreement.

Yeah, that's what we need-progressives (whatever they are, and now it includes me) along with anal retentives, bed wetters, Plaster Casters and perhaps, a few born-again rastafarians (why the hell not?). All of them stabbing with their steely knives though they just can't kill the beast of what's wrong with us and our government. Heck, we can't even agree on what's wrong much less on how to fix it, and now we're creating yet another committee (and a super one! complete with a cape, a speeding bullet (or bull of some kind) and a locomotive?) to develop a framework to create a mechanism to foster a debate and facilitate the parameters and--remember my warning about old clothes because I feel a case of the Ralphs coming on....

Cole's a nice person and so, too, is Russ Feingold, I'm sure. Ditto for the other bozos on the bus sitting on those aisle seats waaaay over there. At this stage in the game, I'd like any "Super Committee" to be made up entirely and exclusively of Malevolent, Maniac, Murderous Mimes (MCubed). They wouldn't get anything done, just like all the other losers who'll end up on this thing, but we won't have to listen to them argue. What are they gonna do, scream their hands off? A roomful of people somewhere in Washington, trapped in invisible glass boxes-the symbolism is so rich you'll be tempted to use a fork but choose a spoon and get every drop.

I marveled at Cole's letter on my computer screen (actually what I marveled at was having his nerve in my tooth-there wouldn't be a root canal I'd fear ever again) and then I wrote back. What I forgot because I'm a silly bunt is that Big Important Sincere People (BISPs) don't actually read e-mail, or any mail for that matter. We have these types here where I live, and sometimes I just wanna whack 'em like a rented mule (Evan, that was NOT a veiled pony ride reference).

Instead of accepting that Cole will never get the benefit of my seconds of political experience, I'm posting my letter here. Otherwise silence equals consent. And yes, Jerkasaurus Rex, I hope someone you know is progressive enough that they are able to read out loud for meaning. You, and the Tea Party Biddy whose name I've successfully suppressed, perhaps handcuffed to Al Franken and Rick Santorum can all walk east until your hats float. And if you don't wear headgear, it's an even shorter walk. Here goes:


To be honest if, after a week of non-stop hectoring and lecturing, all you have are 25K worth of signatures on a no-brainer and no consequences-if-they-don’t-do-anything petition for Reid and Pelosi (reminds me of one of those folkie duos from the late Seventies (but NOT this one)), we are terribly close to too little, too few and too late.

I’m wondering if perhaps we lowered the tenor and tone of the demonization of folks on the other side of the aisle if that might not help us create a basis for a dialogue that could lead to creation of a consensus for the common good that’s been awfully uncommon and conspicuous in its absence in recent months.

No matter what you and your Loyalists say (and I plead guilty to being a fellow traveler but only because we have the best parties and most beautiful women) and despite the most dire pronouncements thundering from the (far) right (and even less correct) side of the political spectrum, the Republic stands. But I’m at a loss to guess how much more of this BS and bombast we ALL can stand.

The expression goes “Silence is Golden”, not dissonance and there’s obviously a reason why it is that way. How about we lower our voices and elevate our reciprocal courtesy and assume the ‘other guy/gal/ is as passionate in his/her beliefs as we are in ours and is at least as intelligent as we are. I’ll bet we can get to where we all want to go with a damn sight less screaming, shouting and pointing if we work at it-at least let’s give it a try, okay?

I’m fed up to my back teeth in ultimatums and drama (from wherever on the color spectrum of the political rainbow you happen to be). Let’s see what happens when we speak TO, instead of AT, one another. How bad could that be?

I wish you well but I pray for BETTER for all of us." -bill kenny

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