Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Earnestness of Everyday Returns

The business of local governance at least here in Norwich resumes Today, and is impressive for both potential importance as well as impact and influence. This afternoon at 5:30 in the Latham Science Center on the campus of the Norwich Free Academy, it's a regular meeting (and first one of the year) of the Board of Trustees whose November meeting minutes are here.

At six, in Room 319 at City Hall it's a regular meeting of Personnel and Pension Board, whose late December meeting minutes are here. Some of  the appointment dates listed on line for members can do with some freshening up. At seven, in Room 335, in City Hall, Republicans meet to endorse candidates for election to their Town Committee. If either Mark Burnett or Ron Ward are in the area, there's a rumor that these folks have snacks (unlike those other guys).

Also at seven in the Planning Department's conference room at 23 Union Street, it's a regular meeting of the Commission on the City Plan. A review of their meeting agenda doesn't suggest any items the City Council can completely ignore, but perhaps something will be added under suspension of the rules. Kidding aside, the City Council meets at 7:30 in Council chambers with a full agenda to include the report of the Reid & Hughes Committee and a not small amount of housekeeping on appointments to committees.

Wednesday morning at 8:30 in their offices in the Norwich Business Park it's a regular meeting of the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments whose meeting agenda is absent, along with their December 2011 minutes, from their website. Imagine my surprise (c'mon you can do better than that).

At nine, in The Dime Bank (on Route 82) Community Meeting Room, it's a regular meeting of the Norwich School Readiness Council (Children First) whose web presence continues to be little more than a rumor.  They're not on the city's site and their own site is old and badly outdated, to be kind. Their Facebook page was last updated a month ago, before all the schools had a holiday break.

At five, in Room 319 of City Hall is another regular (they meet weekly) meeting of the Emancipation Proclamation Commemorative Committee, which, aside from the meeting calendar, still hasn't surfaced anywhere on city's website, most especially the listing of 'Boards, Commissions, Committees and Authorities' (I don't know why they're not alphabetical, either).

Thursday afternoon, at five thirty in the Norwich Arts Council Coop office at 60-64 Broadway, it's a regular meeting of the Downtown Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) whose page on the city's website remains a work in progress with no progress to report. Not sure what those who are supposed to be responsible for the city's website maintenance and update do, but this ain't it, or even close to it.

At six, in The Rink on New London Turnpike, it's a regular meeting of the Norwich Ice Arena Authority. Again, nice work on updating the city's website (I couldn't find the snarky font). Perhaps the problem is Thursday? Here's their Facebook page which is more current than the municipal website, sort of.

Friday morning at nine, in Room 319 of City Hall, it's a regular meeting of Chelsea Gardens Foundation but you'll have to look elsewhere aside from the city's website to find out anything about it (except it's very successful in getting financial support from the Sachem Fund). Their website is here and you can join their mailing list, which I did, though your mileage may vary.

And Saturday morning at nine, at the Laurel Hill Volunteer Fire Department, it's One City Forum. I'd tell you what we've gotten accomplished so far, but I've been sworn to secrecy (actually there was just a lot of swearing; I'm not sure how secret it was). My point is if you keep sitting around thinking 'somebody should really do something' why not join us and be the Somebody. Although sometimes, I admit, we may call you another name (but never to your face, promise). See you at something?
-bill kenny

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