Monday, April 30, 2012

Child Is Father to the Man

I always tell people I learned patience from our two children. Before Patrick and Michelle were born I was the most impatient person to have ever lived. I have no idea how my wife could stand to be with me, that's how bad I was (actually she paid very little attention to me and encouraged others to do likewise-as a coping strategy. It worked for the most part).

As our children grew up, I learned the joys of explaining how to tie your shoes (I hate that whole 'the bunny goes' crap but I used it to make a point at a 'teachable moment' a term I didn't understand then and I don't get now at all), and mastering the art of buttoning your shirt (that one is still hard for me) and, of course, riding a bicycle.

Michelle was EXCELLENT at learning to ride a bike-she had marvelous coordination and had watched her mother, father and older brother ride for years before she got on the 'no training wheels' model and tore off down the street. Patrick was much too much like his dad in terms of patience and attention so the no training wheels phase of the program took a while because once he got going, he'd enjoy the sensation so much he'd forget to pedal or he'd get going so fast and realize I was struggling to keep up that he'd stop.

Our children survived my attempts at teaching, even when it came to automobiles. In both their cases, I had rehearsed my 'no one succeeds at everything the first time' speech and twice never needed it as they both passed on the first attempt. So, if you need a 'but you tried so hard' win one for the Gipper (next time) speech drop me a line and you can have one that was never used.

I mention all of this because when you're an adult and your children are small, you're the Master of the Universe. There's nothing you cannot do, from reaching things all the way on the top shelf, to carrying the really big box upstairs out of the basement to walking out in the street  without mom yelling at you. You know everything and can do anything. You both get older-- the difference is you age and they grow up. You're not so smart anymore as they catch up and, in my case by fourth grade, pass and surpass you.

Patrick was over to visit yesterday and, as is the case every time he comes over, I had a list of things on the computer and on the smart phone, I needed him to show me how to do, or fix or unkluge from where I had already fixed them. He teaches very well, smiles a lot, explains things over and over again and has plenty of patience. All of that is obviously from his mother. I serve as a good example of a bad example and they are both welcome.

Speaking of thank you. I am putting this clip, here, because a line from it rattled around in my head all weekend, "you're hotter than the hinges on the gates of Hell" and now it's your turn. Enjoy. I know I did.
-bill kenny

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