Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You Grow from What You Sow

This is a pitch for your money for youngsters at Kelly Middle School who, with your help, can be out standing in their field later this spring. Admittedly, the ground is cold and hard right now, but that doesn't mean our hearts have to be as well. And knowing how many demands on your money you already have, I'll cut right to the chase.

Kelly Middle School is attempting to raise $2,500 by the end of February as part of the "100 Urban Gardens Initiative." When I say they are where the earth and the sky collide, I mean literally. They are using technology though an on-line outreach, to help them get to their goal. And you can help, too and become part of their project.

Go on line to here and choose your level of engagement. Don't have a computer? (How are you reading this?) Go to the library-they're so much more than books-and use one of theirs. Don't have a library card? Then go get one because there's always something you can learn or do at the library that you haven't even thought of.

Meanwhile back at Urban Gardens Across America....let's spend a minute thinking about vegetable gardens. We've had one for nearly all the years we've lived on Lincoln Avenue even if in recent times it's become a lot more our daughter, Michelle, tilling the earth and working the plantings while her dear old dad waits, napkin tucked under my chin, until the crops are harvested. There's been many an evening she's picked us a salad for dinner right out of the backyard-that's as fresh as it gets and it's delicious.

You're smiling-but that's a serious success and good nutrition. It's estimated only 2% of all American children eat enough fruits and vegetables and everyday, despite those amber waves of grain of which we sing so often, millions of children don't have enough food to eat. There's no excuse for why anyone in this country should ever go hungry so there's a reason to help right there.

Kelly's garden will be someplace where students, parents, staff and community members can learn more about the science of photosynthesis as the students deepen their writing skills as they reports on their progress and do some serious real world mathematics in designing and preparing healthy meals with the vegetables they're growing. Even with work gloves-it'll be a hands-on experience for everyone involved.

Your pledge will help feed and teach Kelly Middle School students while also strengthening our community. When you're on-line, you'll discover there are actual rewards for your donations aside from knowing you have done a good deed. Depending on your level of generosity you may never need to buy socks again or you can expand your wardrobe to include undergarments and t-shirts (I'm thinking they're two different things).

Don't wait for somebody else to help. Help now and be that somebody else.  Oh. Now you get the 'outstanding in their field' line. So glad I waited.
-bill kenny

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