Sunday, September 17, 2017

Cursive! Foiled Again!

I don't lead a large life. I've learned to savor and celebrate the small things and enjoy what I have when I have it because sometimes while you look for better and bigger, what you already have disappears. 

Yesterday morning struggling to wash my hair in the shower I lost my grip on the shampoo bottle. I tend to use those 3-in-1 shampoos with wash, conditioner and body soap(? because I'm lazy and lousy at fractions so I can never get a bottle of shampoo AND a bottle of conditioner to run out at the same time (and I eye suspiciously anyone who can).

It's only 3-in-1 because they don't make much-more-manyer because if they did I'd be buying that instead. A shampoo that also checks the sports scores, adds the right amount of cream to my coffee (it's easy for our son Patrick who drinks it black), checks the tire pressure on that right rear one that's been giving me trouble...You get the idea. 

Anyway, the bottle is almost empty and picking it up in the shower I thought perhaps I'd just undo the top of the new shampoo bottle, that comes with a pump, and add them together. The shower is on and beating down on me while I'm holding the two bottles, old and new, in my hands when I suddenly realize, they are not the same products

I've purchased a completely different kind of 3-in-1 shampoo which absolutely amazed me. How could this have happened (pretending that I pay that kind of attention to any aspect of my life much less to the brand of shampoo I purchase), I discover both have one syllable names and both labels have the name spelled in  what an acquaintance from the UK calls, 'joined together letters,' or what we call in these parts, cursive writing.

Fair's fair, I guess. I'm a product of the A. N. Palmer method of handwriting, and grateful for it, though to read my scribblings you'd never guess it. I'm a little chagrined to admit this but I had another point I wanted to make about shampoo in general I think but I can't read my own note. Something about petard, which is weird because I don't watch a lot Star Trek.

-bill kenny

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