Tuesday, September 19, 2017

One Serving of Comeuppance Coming Up

Schadenfreude is German for rejoicing at the misfortune of others. I find it amusing how people with no grasp of foreign languages despite that varsity letter from Glossolalia University (go "Rabid Wombats"!) still know the word and the concept of schadenfreude. 

Except when it comes to General Michael Flynn. No matter what happens to that piece of trash, it's not enough, as far as I'm concerned and none of that emotion has anything to do with schadenfreude. 

Admittedly, I'm talking about Old Testament level vengeance here, that's what I want to be meted out. And not so much because of that imbecile Sean Spicer's efforts for normalization seen most recently on the Emmy's on Sunday evening, but because of this news item.  

Spicer is/was the empty-header prattler and liar at the press podium in the White House, when he wasn't arguing about why dippin'dots wasn't actually ice cream (and you thought I was making that up, didn't you?). 

Flynn is the most angry General officer to ever inject himself into a national political campaign and a hateful, baleful, excrement-stuffed piece of skin who fit in perfectly with the Trump National Zoo of Aggrieved Imbeciles and Overly Entitled Morons.

And now what's this I see, a begging bowl? 
Donate to the little bastard's fund-raiser? HA!
I wouldn't give him the skin off my ....teeth. Lock him up.
-bill kenny 

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