Sunday, November 19, 2017

Not Dark Yet

It's just one more recent moment in a seemingly unending series of moments in the horror show that has become Life in these United States. Another shooting, more fatalities and we don't even look up anymore. 

Order up some more thoughts and prayers because there's not much else we are willing to do to try to change anything that's been happening. It's stupefying, it really is. If a creature emerged from the ocean and devoured people with the same regularity and frequency with which we use all manner of guns to kill one another, we would have long since banded together and figured out a solution.  

And yet, here we are cause and effect about as close to one another as they can possibly get and we remain steadfast in our insistence that we can see no way to end this cycle of violence. We could start by repealing the Dickey Amendment but that's the third rail for the gutless wonders we send to Washington addicted as they are to the big bucks of the NRA whose new motto seems to be "Make Americans Grieve Again." And we shall

-bill kenny

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