Friday, September 21, 2018

(Not) Just My Imagination

A headline yesterday morning in one of my daily newspapers that probably mirrors one similar in whatever daily newspaper you read: Trump says ‘hard to imagine’ Kavanaugh guilty of allegation.

Somewhere the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) are shaking their heads side to side in disbelief so vigorously their powdered wigs are flying off their heads. That we could come so far, so fast, as a nation is truly breathtaking (for lack of a better word).

What other country has the (third) spouse of its elected leader posing in the nude for men's magazines earlier in her career and whose spouse, that same elected leader, paying off women with whom he had sex while married to other women? 

Talk about Das Land der Unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten, the land of unlimited opportunities. 
'Murica, Baby!

Someone suggested online that the acronym POTUS now also stands for Penis Of The Undersized Sasquatch, which I think is a reference to Pantload45's genitalia offered by a woman he had previously paid to not speak of his dalliance with her. Yeah, I don't pretend to know about that but I do know this:.

I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's assertions. 
Why doesn't the President of the United States? 
-bill kenny


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"Peace in Our Time"

Today is an anniversary you won't find the Felonious Fecal Stain or the DUI Hire running the Department of Defense observing: three ye...