Friday, September 28, 2018

Welcome to the First World

We (I) live in a world where important issues include conversations with others about adequate supplies of Evian bottled water, struggling with short cables for cell-phone chargers and/or the lack of owning/having a bagel toaster. 


It's like living in a world of Letters to Dear Abby problems that you, as a reader, can only dream you could have instead of the ones you actually do have. And still, we persist. 

In a nation where one in every six of us has 'food insecurity' (= we don't know where our next meal is coming from), with homelessness a borderline insurmountable national challenge and a raging drug and opioid epidemic that threatens to devour us whole, I can't help but admire the small taste of surreality that Amazon offers me with the Orivet Dog DNA Test Breed-ID + LifePlan.

Seems like a crazy steal at $109.95 plus tax and shipping (unless you have Amazon Prime and save the shipping costs). How have I lived this long without this product? Okay, so I've not owned a dog since I was four years old but that aside, Ozymandias, can you not admire the majesty of our science? It leaves me wondering as I often do while wandering this brave new world our technology hath wrought: just because we can do something, should we?
-bill kenny 


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