Saturday, September 15, 2018

One More Time with Feeling

I wrote this to celebrate and commemorate the first time our daughter Michelle and I participated in an annual event my brother and his wife first organized to remember relatives who had cancer. 

Today will mark the last time Sue's Crew (X?), as they call their group, will run, walk, and in my case, limp gamely, as part of the fundraising efforts in support of a cure. I thought it would be nice to come full circle and recycle some words I offered marking our first involvement. I called it then:

Occupation: Part-Time Roamin' Numeral

Today Michelle and I become momentary members of Sue's Crew in support of the YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge, and South Amboy (New Jersey) Janice Garbolino 5 K Run/Walk in Edison, New Jersey. You can already guess which event I'm hoping to do, even if I do it badly.

My brother, Adam and his wife, Margaret and members of their family have been involved in this event for a decade for sadly familiar reasons that we can only hope someday will only be a memory as we work to make cancer history. I'm in it for the tee-shirt when should I finish.

It was quite a drive for us, and we're not the only travelers and I assume our journey wasn't anywhere near the longest, but it's all well worth it for the cause and the people involved in it.

There's a long way yet to go and all that's been made is a start. But we've come a long way; it's been a long ride. We've come a long way to be here tonight.
-bill kenny  

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