Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Sometimes More Notion than Nation

We live in times when both history and headlines are made on a daily and recurring basis. Often in both instances, not always for the best, but we are as a species pretty good at making lemonade from whatever lemons life at this moment has given us.

I'm enjoying my retirement (not something a lot of those around me can claim) after decades of working for the federal government. Despite what we've been seeing on TV and in newspapers for about three weeks in terms of "shutdown stories" the federal government isn't an abstraction-it's flesh and blood, people and programs which touch every aspect of our daily lives and right now, a great deal of it is being held hostage.  

There's lots of fingerpointing going on in DC right now on why our government is shut down, but whatever you've heard or read is nothing more than excuses masquerading as reasons. 

Cut to the chase: about 800,000 people employed by The Fed and many agencies are sitting home because they're non-essential or coming to work but not getting paid because the people we choose to represent us in our nation's capital, from the President on down, are unable and unwilling to put country before party and ideology to do what's right and best (in that specific order) for those of us who reside in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. 

You might not agree with my assessment of why it's quiet in D.C. right now, but I've had a lot of time (and lot more experience with previous shutdowns) to think about it. And here's the bad news: if we continue the way we are, cyclical and recurring shutdowns are more or less inevitable. 

We have become a nation of 'Let me tell you something' in which that 'something' is always a LOT more than just one single thing and very rapidly escalates and accelerates until it becomes a recitation of grievances and slights, often more imagined than real that seems to go on forever. And those not talking aren't actually listening to those who are; we're waiting for it to be our turn because we no longer listen to understand but to reply and rebut.

Our differences are not only more pronounced creating chasms that are harder and harder to bridge but our opinions grow louder by the day and thanks to the wonders of the age in which we live, we have opportunities and channels with only those facts which support our opinions and beliefs. 

Don't get me wrong, we have far more sources of information than existed a decade ago (or even ten days ago in some cases of online services) but we gravitate towards those that reflect and reinforce our own worldview however expansive or shuttered we choose to have. We are, I fear, less informed on fewer issues than at any time since Gutenberg perfected movable type (and I don't mean Steve). 
I think we have too many home fires burning and not enough trees. You may not agree. That would not surprise me in the least. But how about we try to remember we have two ears and one mouth and to act accordingly and in that same proportion. And I mean all of us, not just those on a national stage in Dodge City but all of us. We tell each other we’re the greatest nation on earth; perhaps we should start behaving like we believe it. 
- bill kenny

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