Friday, January 18, 2019

When Somebody Should Becomes Someone Who Does

In case you hadn't noticed, parts of our federal government aren't actually functioning at the moment for circumstances well within our control, or at least the control of the current occupant of 1600 Pensylvania Avenue in Washington, D. C.

No blue screen of death, no hitting the control alt-del keys at the same time or unplugging and then replugging the government back in will do the trick it seems. We have, says the guy who called in the air strike on himself, a national emergency and I have to agree except we differ on the location. 

The President thinks it's the "Southern Border" with Mexico where all the drugs and the terrorists come in (he says) but the drugs are actually coming over the border of Connecticut courtesy of Purdue Pharma in Stamford while the terrorists are being apprehended at airports and other legal points of entry into the country and more have been nabbed at the border with Canada than with Mexico so I may never look at Bob and Doug quite the same way again.

I'm of the opinion the President is veracity-challenged but what I should be saying is that he, and those of his party who are supporting him, are liars. He is engaged not only in fact-free fearmongering but in an all-out assault on the truth that is now so widespread the Senate Majority Leader, a member of his own party, is more or less in hiding from other members of Congress.  

In the aftermath of the November 2016 voting when we were all reminded yet again that "elections have consequences," the same party that controlled the White House also controlled both the Senate and the House of Representatives. They ran on an agenda to basically eradicate any vestige of the 44th President of the United States from our history and they set about with considerable gusto to accomplish that. 

Their signature achievement was their self-proclaimed greatest middle-class tax cut in US history that wasn't anything of the sort which actually helped accelerate the growth of the national deficit, a growth that can only be slowed by stealing from those among us who have the least material goods and political power say the people who created the so-called tax.cut. At the epicenter of that gang of greedheads and grifters is where you always seem to find the Senate Majority Leader.

Strange how for the two years the same party which controlled all the houses of the government was unable/unwilling to expend billions upon billions of dollars to literally sink into the sands (across the southwest and elsewhere) invest in border security but waited until after control of the House of Representatives had passed back the other party after the November 2018 elections (see elections and consequences) to decide that situation had reached the status of a national emergency. 

Probably like you, I'm no longer clear as a country where we're heading since the sides of the handbasket are really high, but I am getting concerned about the precipitous elevation in the temperature as the journey continues.
-bill kenny      

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