Thursday, January 30, 2020

May Love Overcome and Justice Roll Down

It can be hard to remember: Every duck is a bird, but not every bird is a duck. 

In much the same way as every racist/misogynist/sexist is a Trump voter but not every Trump voter is a racist/misogynist/sexist. That's as close to being nice to Trump voters as I am going to get today, and every other day. 

I can't reason with them as they reject facts they don't agree with as 'fake news.' Christian  Evangelicals among them believe he was sent to America by God which makes sense, I suppose, if you also think that God has run out of locusts. They applaud the inane and inhumane stupid shit he says and does because they love that he "owns the libs."  

So I keep remembering: every duck is a bird but not every bird is a duck. Amen.
-bill kenny

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