Monday, October 5, 2020

Good Day Sunshine

The days are growing shorter from both ends now and pretty soon it'll get dark about an hour before it gets light (or at least will feel like it). Saturday was a pretty good day for me, leg pain-wise, to pick 'em up and put 'em down as SSGT Griffey used to instruct us eager (and those of us not so) Airmen of the 7022 BMS as we hurried somewhat reluctantly along the surface of just about every square inch of Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, the largest US airbase in the world without a landing strip (true that).

I walked from my house near Chelsea Parade to the Norwich Harbor and returned home by way of Franklin Street. Enjoy.

A view of the Marina from the Historic River Walk

It's probably NOT the Sloop John B, but it's still pretty

I love when you can't tell where the sky ends and the water begins
-bill kenny

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