Friday, May 23, 2014

My Corporate Machine Will Call Your Corporate Machine and We'll Do Lunch

When I decided to live forever and cut back/down on products and practices that might keep me from reaching that goal, the fast food places went over the side as practically the first thing jettisoned. Between us, I'm not sure no longer eating in them is really helping me live longer, but sometimes my days sure feel a lot longer which could be the same thing, I suppose.

Anyway. Apparently I'm not alone in skipping the edible landfill complete with drive-through window and, as near as I can tell from a careful reading of this, I and those like me were a topic of Don Thompson, McDonalds' CEO's remarks to the stockholders of McDonalds yesterday at their annual meeting in Oak Brook Illinois .

I still think they should meet in St Louis as long as they promise to make a donation to be allowed to paint The Arch gold for the day of their meeting, and promise to repaint it afterwards (unless the Rolling Stones are on tour and then you've already guessed what color it should be).

The story makes me cringe-not for the news value (though I did notice there weren't any pictures of Beyonce's sister, One Step Beyonce, beating up her husband in an elevator, so how legit is this as a news story?) but by how ham-fisted Don comes across in print.

His defense of how 'quite healthy' his own children seem to be in response to claims of predatory bordering on inexorable marketing of Mickey D's to tykes was breathtaking. And he certainly didn't seem to offer any notable quotables on raising wages for any of those toiling away in the Secret Sauce mines of Ronald's McSweathouses.

Quite frankly, it seemed to me, in reading the article that he's correctly judged his audience-minds are already made up so there's no need to confuse 'em with facts. In a moment reminiscent of how many angels can dance on the head of a French fry, one the stickholders' more memorable concerns isn't about child nutrition or paying employees a living wage but rather "why don't all the restaurants serve biscuits and gravy for breakfast."

I am so lovin' it.
-bill kenny

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