Thursday, May 8, 2014

We Are God's Punchline

If you need more proof that some time ago, in the not too distant past, every other living and spiritual thing in the Universe got together and didn't tell us, try this on for size.

And we think we're such hot stuff with these opposable thumbs and big brains. Turns out it's not just size that matters. Who knew?

Yes, I know this is serious and could have been far more so. Had you or I attended and gotten ill, neither of us would find this even close to as amusing as I'm finding it for the both of us right now, proving yet again that humor is not only topical but geographic-the closer you are the less you laugh.

Except in this case had only you became ill and I had not, hysterical mirth would ensue and I wouldn't dream of telling you otherwise. Baltimore's not the only place having trouble with ice and nausea isn't even the half of it. It all seems like a sight gag gone wrong.
-bill kenny

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