Friday, August 8, 2014

Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Walk

I’m still thinking about the humble brilliance of David Walker whose professional bad break, literally and figuratively, I was ruminating about at length in this very ether yesterday (and wondering where the (Detroit) lions are). Talk about the Prayer of Saint Francis-he sets the bar pretty high for the rest of our species, gotta tell ya.

Quick personal inventory, ethical, intellectual and moral, wow not doing so well; I have these opposable thumbs and not much else in my favor and some days I’ll all thumbs. Sure hope if The Rapture is today, we’re grading on a curve.

Then you travel not all that far from NY Giants’ training camp, actually to Stamford, Connecticut another cautionary tale along the Merritt Parkway for what I can only assume is a medical miracle-nothing more and nothing less. Submitted for your inspection, Raleigh Rolex and the EZ Rider.    

Want to just double back for a moment on this project that the Merritt Parkway Conservancy is up in arms about. I came to ‘all stop’ as I was reading the CT Department of Transportation proposal, not only because that tends to happen a lot to me while driving on it, especially as I near the state line with New York and the Tappan Zee Bridge, but out of disbelief that one person would suggest another could hike along the shoulder of that roadway (and a third person would give him over a million dollars to find out what people think of it). Since I promised Mom many years ago that when I can say nothing nice about a subject to say nothing at all, how ‘bout dem Mets?

On the other hand, assuming this scallywag is apprehended (getting air in the tires of his not-needed-except-as-a-prop chariot) I think we should let Rollie make the maiden voyage along the trail perhaps  outrunning a mall security guard, Paul Bart?, zipping along on a Segway. As for the speed of his getaway, no worries. He’s got a Rolex, he can time himself.

-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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