Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Suiting up for the S(o)uper Bowl

The weekend's professional football championship contests are over and the New England Patriots will battle the Philadelphia Eagles on February 4th in Super Bowl LII (and people say Latin is a dead language! (technically they would say, "Lingua Latina mortua est.")).

Between trips to the grocery to stock up on snacks and delectables for whatever shindig you're hosting or attending and/or settling down in front of the television to watch what always seems to be almost two weeks of pre-Game Day reports to set the tone (this year, the true life story of Danny "Playoff" Amendola, told in real-time), I have a project that needs your help.

Please put your #1 Fan foam finger down (and thanks for the choice of fingers, by the way) and consider lending a hand in support of a Souper (spelled that way for a reason) Bowl much closer to home that will give you a warm feeling and make sure a lot of other people can enjoy warm feelings they can eat with a spoon.

I'm talking about the Saint Vincent de Paul Place Souper Bowl of Caring to tackle hunger. 
It kicks off Monday and runs through next Saturday afternoon, February 3rd. It's our opportunity as amateur members of our caring community to suit up and help tackle hunger (with no worries about helmets, snap counts or play calls. 

What's desired, actually that's a poor choice of words on my part, what's needed are donations of as many cans of soup as possible. Think of a number (c'mon, make it bigger than that); now double it and then double that again. Nope, that's still not enough, but it's a good start. 

You don't have to do it by yourself. Generosity is a team sport so feel free to work with family and friends, or those across our neighborhoods or with those with whom you work to collect as many cans of soup as you can and bring them to Saint Vincent de Paul Place at 120 Cliff Street anytime, starting at eight Monday morning through three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the 4th. 

But, as they say on TV, 'wait, there's more.'
The opportunity to help is far from the 'one and done' of the actual Super Bowl. 

In addition to dropping off donations at Cliff Street,s you may also send a  donation via their secure website at or be part of their fill-the-truck effort next Saturday at the Super-Walmart in Lisbon from ten AM until 3 PM, Of course anytime, you're in the Norwich Souper Stop and Shop, feel free to add your donation to their collection box.

During the holiday season, we're all really good about thinking of those who are in need of our help and in acting on those thoughts, The trouble is that hunger doesn't take a holiday after the holidays are over.

Neighbors in need come to Saint Vincent de Paul Place for food from their pantry to take home as well as for meals cooked and served in their dining room. The pantry serves over 250 households, adults and children, every week not just from Norwich but from close to two dozen area towns. Last year, over 520,000 meals were distributed underscoring the sad fact that hunger knows no zip code.

Our donations will put warm meals in every home during these cold winter months. You'll feel like a champion no matter who wins Super Bowl LII by helping out, so suit up and soup up.
-bill kenny                       

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