Saturday, May 11, 2019

Greetings from Kermit

This is from so long ago, I have no recollection of it at all. It was called originally:

Frog Soup

Mission creep is what group dynamics folks describe what the rest of us might well call L.O.S.T, or Line OSight Tasking (I'm still not sure what we call group dynamics without making our moms cry). 

Here's how it works: at some point in a project, one of the very bright people who came up with the original idea realizes there's yet another function s/he forgot within the transaction and announces 'someone needs to do/be .....' DANGER! The first person who makes eye contact after this has been said inherits this new responsibility with absolutely no authority or means to accomplish it. Don't look up! Oops, well, thanks for playing. 

It's part of our lives as individuals, as well, fretting in the various roles we each play in the drama. I had a plateful (and more) when it was just me, myself and I. Falling in love and getting married moved me, or us, to egoisme a deux and then we added children to the mix. Solo, spouse, parent, while also being a child, sibling and wearing a half dozen other hats. You can't tell the players without a scorecard, especially when we each are covering numerous positions.

Is there a limit to all this multi-tasking, if that's what this actually is (I like to think that term is better applied to linked tasks vice totally different ones-like a product being both a floor polish and a dessert topping) and when do we reach a limit, how do we know? 

I remember the 'how to cook a frog in boiling water' semi-urban legend (don't judge; I run with a colorful crowd, sehr bunte leute) that makes me suspect there's no 'top end.' If you place a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will simply hop back out; but, if you place the frog in the pot of water and then slowly and carefully raise the heat of the flame under the pot, the frog will never move until it has been cooked.
I've often wondered if this is why so many of us are called chickens
-bill kenny

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