Sunday, May 19, 2024

One Is Too Many

Earlier this week the Dow Jones Industrial Average on the New York Stock Exchange briefly topped 40,000. I don't know who Dow Jones is and I have no idea what the 'Average' is averaging, but I see people at intersections with cardboard signs asking for help in god-awful weather so I wonder if one of them might be named Dow. But probably not.

Depends on who you are, and what you consume in terms of news media, but we are more or less living in a remake of Dickens; Tale of Two Cities though distinguishing the best of times from the worst of times is getting harder to do.

The Invisibility of Poverty by Kevin Lee

Over three-quarters of us live 'paycheck to paycheck.' And it doesn't really matter much to the DJIA or the NASDAQ (another acronym I don't understand; and that definition did fuck all to improve my comprehension so I hope you got something out of it.).

Holding on by your fingertips would be those below the paycheck-to-paycheck level at what we call the 'official poverty rate' (for 2022, the last year I found stats) of 11.5 percent, or if you like counting noses, thirty-seven point nine million human beings. In a nation with boundless opportunities and abundant resources, how does this compute?    

As Frank Buchman once noted, 'There's enough in this world for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed.' 
-bill kenny

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