I was raised to 'get along by going along,' though my younger siblings have excellent reasons, and the history to support them, to be dubious of that claim.
It's more than how we pronounce tomato or potato; it's fundamental and integral with how some nearly eight billion of us here on the Ant Farm with cellphones and briefcases can co-exist with one another.
Right up until we don't and someone claims the tomato is a deep state banana.
I have a long-ago (almost fifty years) former colleague (I would have told you we got along very well, and if you've met me, you know how close to sainthood he most likely is) whose politics and mine are, for the most part, on two very different paths.
At some point in our shared past on Facebook, I wound up in a group chat (I suspect) he created. He shares a variety of tidbits each of us encounters along the Internet, ranging from old Red Skelton clips, through Dean Martin Roast outtakes, to classic and nearly forgotten singers and songs, all of which I enjoy and appreciate.
Other stuff, not so much. It's not as in do you say 'partly cloudy,' or 'partly sunny?' Not when the other person says 'snowstorm' and it's ninety degrees. That's where my whole smile and nod coping mechanism, 'let's agree to disagree,' falls apart, and I'm faced with either staying silent or being perceived as unpleasant.
The latter, contrary to common belief, is NOT my default, though I will concede the former is out of character. So when this was shared:
Nope, and not even close.
The posting has a tangled and somewhat tortured pedigree. It came from the Kayleigh McEnany Fan Club Facebook Page (and the comments/reactions convinced me I would do well to steer clear of all involved, so I shall.).
Kayleigh, you might recall, was the veracity-impaired last Press Secretary of the FIRST Donald Trump presidency. Based on her FB postings, old habits are hard to break. But wait, there's more!
What Kayleigh did (I'm guessing) was repost Representative Mike Collins' posting of an item from the Washington Free Beacon, which in terms of bias and reliability makes Der Stürmer look like The New York Times.
I'm still trying to imagine how Gawd could hate the people of Georgia so much as to make Mike AND Marjorie Trailerpark Greed two of their congressional representatives. I think a rain of frogs would suffice (and their legs taste like chicken!).
We're not talking shades of grey here or a nuanced truth. Factually, the posting is garbage, but it's already been swept out into the ocean/cesspool that is our social media lives. You can only have a disagreement and/or, by extension, an agreement when you have a shared reference and reality, so in this case, the point is moot.
I grew up/old in a nation where opinions were shaped by facts rather than facts shaped by opinions, and where truth is situational rather than a constant.
-bill kenny.
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