Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday, again?

If you haven't made up your mind for President and you like Monday Night Football, sell your clothes, you're going to heaven! Chris Berman will interview both Senators, McCain and Obama at halftime tonight on MNF. Tell me the line between cereal and surreal isn't growing ever more narrow. MNF ain't had this kind of electricity since Howard Cosell interviewed John Lennon and Yoko had no understanding at all of the single wing. Ruth is stranger than Bridget. Tomorrow is Election Day, why else would Boomer be hanging with the Senators, which means any attempt to 'preview' this week's meetings in Norwich will now seem a bit presumptuous, but life goes on within you and without you (I know which side of that equation some of my Norwich Neighbors are rooting for, but so far, today, no joy).

The Executive Committee of the Southeastern CT Council of Governments meets this morning at 8:30 in their offices in the Stanley Israelite (Norwich) Business Park, at 5 Connecticut Avenue (one of the few buildings there that isn't an apartment house, condominium, assisted living facility or baseball stadium.). If you slept in, you may have already missed the meeting.

Here's what they talked about last month as the agenda for today's meeting isn't posted. I grew up in a state, New Jersey, where county government was (at least) the equal of state government and I'm fascinated how in Connecticut this doesn't happen. SCCOG is as close as we get (no offense intended, but the acronym sounds like some kind of a growth you used to have removed from a private part of your body before the advent of sulfa drugs).

One of neat things on their website is the opportunity to read about the Regional Intermodal Transportation Center and/or to download the study itself. Heck, you can even make a note now on your calendar of events about the public meeting, a week from this Thursday, the 13th, at 7 PM in the Community Room of the New London Public Library, 63 Huntington Street. I'm waiting for it....there it is: New London? Yeah, you see, the Whaling City already has rail, ferry and bus connectivity concerns and issues in search of a solution, unlike another city I can think of.

Also, this afternoon at five in City Hall, Room 209, is a special meeting of the Volunteer Firefighters' Relief Fund Committee. Volunteer public safety people are a vanishing breed for many reasons across our country. We are fortunate in the Rose City to have both a paid fire department and dedicated volunteers working together for all of us. I'm not likely to spontaneously combust (despite wishes to the contrary), admittedly, but (I'm always) touched by your presence, dear.

Wednesday afternoon at 4 in the basement conference room of 23 Union Street is a special meeting of the Building Code Board of Appeals. You'll find their agenda in a drop down window on the city's website, and the (draft) minutes of their last meeting (in August) right here.

First things first on Thursday, or perhaps better said, "Fore!"
At 2:30 in the afternoon, the Norwich Golf Course Authority (what did you think all the buses, ferries and trains were coming here for? The
Semisepcentennial?), actually their budget subcommittee, meets at the golf course which is a perfectly logical place. Not that I'm suggesting the Inlands Wetlands, Water Courses and Conservation Commission follow suit when it comes to picking a location at seven when they meet (in Council Chambers at City Hall). On their agenda is a public hearing on the proposed active adult community on Scotland and Hansen Roads-you might want to come a little early to get a seat for this one-and wear a light sweater as I suspect it will get warm soon enough.

Technically, this isn't a municipal meeting, but it's important (to me and millions like me) and maybe of value to you and yours as well. From five until seven Thursday night the
Backus Hospital's Diabetes Management Team is sponsoring "Understanding Current Issues in Diabetes Management". There's no charge but they suggest reservations, so call them at 889-8331 extension 4092. Here's the thing--it's NOT at the hospital, it's over on Salem Turnpike, Route 82, in what (in my house) we still call the Ames Plaza. And if you call me to ask for directions from the New London Regional Intermodal Transportation Center, I will tell you to walk east until your hat floats.

Since I already gave you advance notice on an item for the 13th, here's another, a bit closer to home: it involves Rose City Renaissance, who do not make headlines every morning like some people I know, but who do make a difference every day. They're sponsoring a "Quality of Life on the Streets of Norwich" forum with downtown business officials and city leaders to discuss the city's response to recent criminal activity and other issues facing businesses and residents at their Community Information Center at 2 Cliff St. from 5 to 7 p.m. You've read the headlines-here's a chance to learn the back story behind the front page. Yeah, I'll mention this again next week, but it's okay to make a note now.

I don't have to remind you to vote tomorrow, right? Should be like breathing or blinking, except you can do it while doing the other two. Is this a cool world or what?
-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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