Friday, January 28, 2011

The Sweater the Better

I spend a lot of my life unhappy with the weather, but I am very pleased to live on a planet with an atmosphere even when the current meteorology isn't to my taste. Truth is, I've never lived anywhere that didn't have four seasons (okay, in Greenland, north of the arctic circle, some of the seasons were more notional than others; and no one I knew went swimming in Lake Ferguson in July in less than a full body rubber suit) but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to try it out for myself, at least a little bit before deciding.

My mom, who has a life-long dislike of winter and, more especially, snow, headed South many years ago and it's always awkward finding a judge to issue the warrants and make her come back to visit (I'm kidding about the judge, I think). The only reason she doesn't live in Panama is because Cuba prevents the Florida peninsula from reaching there.

It's a hoot and half in my house when we call her on a holiday (Christmas comes to mind) and either we just miss her because she headed for the beach (across the street) or we do catch her because she's just returned. If anyone's earned the sun, it's mom and it warms my heart to know she's enjoying it.

And judging from the weather forecasts, that's all the warmth a lot of us in the Northeast, and parts elsewhere, too, are going to have in the coming days. We had a LOT of snow yesterday, along with a lot of other folks and there's a not inconsiderable amount still in the forecast.

I just had a memory of a daytimer AM station we listened to as kids when my parents had a vacation house in Pennsylvania, WARM, the Mighty 590. No matter how bitter the winter weather, you could always rely on the Ronnie Radio-Voice announcer to pass along the time and temperature in 'DEgrees' while demanding to know 'is it cold enough for you? It's only WARM for me!' Talk about the greatest little station in the nation, not.
-bill kenny

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