Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Went Lookin' for a Fire

Today I'll keep my words to a minimum, though that's not true of their meaning. Today the woman I love beyond anyone else in my life is celebrating her birthday. Our lives have been part of one another's for so many years, I cannot begin to imagine what mine would be like without her. I'm too clever to ask her to imagine the same thing.

I know that it hasn't been a picnic living with me-no basket, no blanket, way too many ants. She's never complained, making something out of nothing more days in the week, weeks in the year, and years in our lifetime together than I can count. And as a reward, she can look forward to more of the same. Yeah, gotta work on that part, that's for sure. Starting today.

The best of all birthdays to the person I think of when I awake every morning and of whom I dream every night. We've had more laughter than our tears "and a whole lotta light."
Herlizchen Gluckwunsche, Angel Eyes.

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