Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not My Day to Play God

The expression goes, “I’d like to have his nerve in my tooth” and is usually offered as a reaction to someone whose chutzpah, bravado, and/or sometimes nearly terminal cluelessness results in their asking for a do-over on something whose initial occurrence you are still emotionally and mentally processing.

Anyway. If I were headed to my dentist for a root canal, I’d want to pop in on Joshua Komisarjevsky if not to borrow some ganglia then perhaps to watch how he manages to pull up his trousers because of the size of set (of pockets) he has.

I know. “Where do I know that name from?” Here. One of the authors of as egregious a tragedy to befall one family, and one community, as is possible to happen. I confess, with my attention span, I just assumed Josh and his partner in crime, Steve, were already taking a dirt nap.

I understand vengeance is and should be the exclusive purview of the Deity, but payback is far less cosmic and much more readily available. Especially when a predator wants to argue that he is actually a victim. Seriously. Follow his logic for yourself.  

Between his two defense attorneys, judging from their names, there appears to be some luck of the Irish in play in his effort, and while I support the judicial process and its safeguards even (maybe I mean most especially) when it’s being squandered, I am under no obligation to be gracious as an unwitting witness to the additional grief and hurt the sole survivor will have to bear.

Leaving me, with more than my fair share of Irish at the ready and hackles raised to wish at least the Moira part of the duo (as she’ll likely understand it), má ithis, nar chacair! Now pass your plate.

-bill kenny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These vermin do make me question my opposition to the death penalty.

Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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