Friday, September 5, 2014

Practice Makes Perfect

Considering I don't actually pay attention to American professional football anymore, you might need to sit down first. Unless you are seated, in which case you may need to lie down. But if you are driving, skip the previous sentence!
I probably should have worked that in a little earlier into the paragraph, sorry.

I guess what I trying to do is prepare you for this: I'm rooting for the Cincinnati Bengals this NFL season. The last time I rooted for anyone was the New York Jets the year Joe Willie Namath led them to a victory in Super Bowl III. That was XLV years ago.

Designated tangent: How did the Romans build aqueducts that survive to this day with math that used letters? 'Solve for X' said Mr. Clarke in 9th Grade. Hell, as near as I can tell everything back then was X or V or I. Oh yeah, The Jets have yet to return to a Super Bowl.

But thanks to what the Bengals did for Devon Still and his four-year old daughter, Leah Sari, and why, I don't see how anyone on earth can root for anybody else. Ever. Or at least until Boomer opens his mouth.
And don't worry, he will.
-bill kenny

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