Monday, September 8, 2014

Shifting of the Seasons

Spent some time mentally rearranging the contents of our garage Saturday after mowing the yard, front and back, for what I sincerely hope is the last time in 2014. Mowing the lawn is a lot like shaving, in my opinion; no matter how well you do (and no one has ever accused of doing either well), you will need to do it again. And again....

It was warm and humid in these parts on Saturday-far more pleasant on Sunday but we're approaching the time of year where, in our memory, in the months to come, the weather now was wonderful. I tend to bleat piteously about how unbearable the humidity is from July onwards, but when we have snow and ice to my nether regions in February, I complain about that as well.

I've lived in the Northeast my whole life, but it doesn't stop me from whining about the winter's cold and the summer's heat and humidity. I hate autumn not for autumn but for what I know follows. We lived in the center of Land Hesse when we lived in Germany, a region that also has all four regions and still I bellyached, aber auf deutsch.

As I surveyed the garage yesterday I made sure I was leaving enough room to park the lawnmower in the corner and move the snow blower to the front of rear wall as that's the next machinery use in our neck of the woods. Unless, of course, that comet/asteroid someone is always warning us about actually scores a direct hit. Leaving me to wonder what I'm gonna do with all that chain lube I've been stockpiling for the winter. Got a great deal on it, too.
-bill kenny

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