Sunday, September 14, 2014

Smite Makes Right

I just realized the humor and serendipity of all of this falling on a Sunday, especially in light of the headline on the article that caught my eye. It’s purely accidental, unless of course (whispered in my most subversive voice), none of it is accidental. And when the universe seems to have a plan and runs like a clock, what then of The Clockmaker?

All topics for another time, at least for me.
As a former member of the US Air Force, briefly though not without some physical and emotional pain for nearly everyone in a leadership position who encountered me for the eight years I was in the play, this item in Air Force Times boggled my mind (insert your own sound effect).

Do I need to confess that as a grade-schooler I and every one of my classmates pledged allegiance to the flag at an age approaching but not approximating reason with very little understanding of the meaning of the word ‘pledge’ much less ‘allegiance.’

I’m also the guy who scrolls down to check the empty box confirming ‘I accept and understand blah, blah, blah…’ on all end user agreements (EULA) for computer programs and smartphone applications without EVER reading a single one of them (Have you ever tried? What does any of it mean?).

If there’s anything about sacrificing a child or crawling like a reptile on my belly, please let me know and I might have to reconsider deleting those programs. But only might.  

Meanwhile, we’re about to make the UFC and MMA look like a tea-dance at a girls’ school on the Upper East Side in terms of level of violence against ISIL but we’re gonna bar “an unnamed atheist Airman” (AUAA) from staying in the Air Force while we do this. Huh?

Seems to me, reading the story, he (she?), let’s just go with AUAA, may be the only person in the gathering storm who can legitimately claim to NOT have a dog in this hunt, especially if AUAA is a dyslexic (did you see what I did there? I believe that’s called ‘clever by a half.’).

Of course as the actor “looking for a sign that the Universal Mind has written you into the Passion Play,” you have to wonder if a walk-on part in this instance is not actually superior to a speaking role or might that cause some to doubt your sincerity or your sanity.
-bill kenny

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