Saturday, December 12, 2015

Remembrances Great and Small

At some point, I found a posting, probably on Facebook (‘what else is there?’ Life) that noted one dies twice-once when you physically die and the second time when your name is said out loud by another human being for the final time on this earth. 

Perhaps that's what motivates me to reprise some notes from quite some time ago, colored by a growing disquiet I feel when I look at a calendar and stare at that haggard mug that greets me in my morning mirror. Both remind me that it's much later than I think.

Which is why I wanted to post a few words on, Wreaths Across America, happening at noon here today  in Norwich, at Sacred Heart Cemetery, and also across the United States. The observance here in Norwich is all I'm familiar with, so with (and/or without) your kindest indulgence, I'll work from the familiar to the less than. 

The Norwich Area Veterans Council in Norwich takes the lead on many of the recognition and remembrance observances held here. This image is from a previous year’s ceremony.

Your mileage may vary in terms of staging and participation. Residents here turn out in goodly numbers, pleasing the organizers and doing a terrific job of representing The Rose City. That said, there’s always room for one more and if you stand next to me, I promise to not talk to you non-stop throughout the whole ceremony (quite a deal; you can ask anyone here).

If you check your city or town's website calendar of activities you'll probably get enough details to help get you to your ceremony on time and have enough background to better appreciate what's going on.

As the name suggests, Wreaths Across America is all across the United States today with close to half a million wreaths placed by volunteers who found a few moments in the hectic of the holiday season to honor those who directly (and sometimes) indirectly allow us to enjoy what we have today.

It's a mere moment to recognize a life and often a life's work. It's only an eye blink, perhaps, but perhaps it's another link forged in a chain of immortality.
-bill kenny

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