Sunday, October 1, 2017

Money Speaks for Money

I don't really care which newspapers you read, or TV news you watch, or if you're an alliterate imbecile who doesn't have the attention span that can accommodate even the briefest of news updates (I'm keeping my hand up as no one told me I could put it down; typing with one hand is awfully hard, in case you wondered). 

If the disasters of foreign policy that are happening in Korea and Iraq aren't your cup of tea especially when compared to the natural disasters befalling so much of our own nation while those whom we have elected to protect and defend us from all enemies, foreign and domestic, look on mostly from a par three-sixth hole on a golf course we'll never belong to, check your own bank balance, pay packet and see how much less, and many fewer dollars, your salary is buying you.

If you suspect you're getting screwed, I have good news: your suspicion is correct. And yeah, I know it's a lot of words, but you really should read this, or find someone who does read and have them read it to you. And as anyone will tell you, wages is never the whole story, so tell me about your savings account because as short a story as that will be when we discuss your health insurance the silence will be deafening. 

It must be a comfort to know how many people in Congress on all sides of the aisle have no idea what happens when a wage-earner falls ill or what a working family gives up when someone in it has an illness. And as long as health insurance, coverage and costs remain a statistical abstract we'll keep having stupid people lecture other stupid people as if the former were describing the latter as being from another planet. 

And for anyone who was ever in, or was ever the beneficiary of, a union, the no joy lamp may have been lit as Not Really Diana Ross and the Other Supremes unravel another part of the social safety net while insisting the private sector and the greedheads who run it will make everything all right and that hole you and yours are falling through is actually your own damn fault. Again.

"Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own.
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone?
What a comfort to the widow, a light to the child,
There is power in a Union."
-bill kenny

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Decisions and Revisions

Are you familiar with  James Clear ?  You really need to check him out. He's not only thoughtful and thought-provoking, but he'll op...