Monday, October 2, 2017

Taking the Long Way Home

Sunday was a wonderful day, weather-wise, here and I hope was as nice where you were. I walked from our house to the market where I'd normally buy a salad for lunch at work tomorrow but I'm awfully sick of eating what at times tastes a lot like lawn clippings, especially when I can smell other folks' lunches' aromas from their microwaves. 

I am about 20 yards from the highway, but in a different space altogether.
I grabbed a couple of heat and eat meals that always lie about how many they feed ('approximately three servings' HA!) and started walking the long way home when I opted for a road, in this case, a railroad, not taken. 

The light is in not at the end of the tunnel.
I'm not encouraging trespassing but I've always wanted to walk along those tracks and so yesterday I finally did. About a minute into the walk a small fox crossed my path along the tracks which took me aback and made seeking and finding a good solid stick a rather practical matter. I didn't see a fox again leading me to wonder how large a stick the fox had picked up.

View from the tracks at the Upper Falls (which aren't right now)
I knew the way or thought I did and knew where the railroad line would come by as I've seen it a thousand or more times as I've walked. Except this time I was walking it backward or inside out (I'm never sure which) and so everything looked familiar but was in a different space and time from I'm used to it being.  

TheYantic River trestle seemed like an old friend when I rounded the corner.
I had a self-created opportunity to see the familiar in an unfamiliar way. Not so much a journey on the road less traveled but more being mindful of the road you're on
-bill kenny

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